Final Comments
August 8: This entry is just a brief wrap-up. You can go back to July 27 to start at the beginning of this trip. I headed out almost two weeks ago in a pretty bad rainstorm. The weather was a problem off and on the whole way north and west. The way back was mostly dry and in some cases very hot. I visited 13 cities with only two repeats (Oklahoma City and Billings, MT). The total mileage was about 3,825. This wasn't my longest trip. I went from LA to Houston and back (5,000 miles total) in about as many days. Still, it was a lot more than I should have done to make it a fun trip. Next time, I will probably spend two days in every significant city. Definitely I would have liked to spend more time in Denver and also Oklahoma City. Even Selina, KS had more interesting buildings in it than I expected. If there had been enough time to relax and walk around, I might have found out more.
For next time a few things:
- order city maps online before the trip
- Look into other ways to gather and print zoning maps. Although stopping in City Halls is fun (to me), obviously, the whole thing is going online and print maps are going to go away.
- Don't go so far afield next time. Why travel 2,300 miles and just get an overview of each city.
Finally, This was my first time blogging a trip. What I didn't like was the limit on pictures (there were some formatting issues as well). I many more pictures than are put in the blog. I'm thinking of using Flickr to store my pictures and reference the streams in the blog. I'm also not sure the blog ordering really works. Most people will come across this post first and, although a link to the beginning is provided, a lot of people will read the trip in reverse order. I'm open to constructive comments and suggestions, but will decide how to proceed with this blog based primarily on my goals of recording my trips.
Thanks for looking in.
Ted Dune
PS: Although my next adventure probably won't be until next year (Christmas doesn't count), I will probably post some of my previous trips here as well. I have two trips that are fully digital. After that I have to go searching through old notebooks and scanning old fashioned photographs. Hopefully I will be able to post something new sometime in September.
Saturday, August 8, 2009
Oklahoma City and Home

I went outside to take pictures of the exterior and right after I saw the two statues out front, I saw the oil well (for Philips 66) right out by the front parking lot. Then I noticed several others in the distance. People were heading to their cars as I was taking pictures.

Done with pictures, I figured I would walk across the parking lot and then the highway, which hadn't been particularly busy when I had arrived. Unfortunately, it was now past 5 PM and the traffic had picked up. Eventually, I went back to the front of the building and the security person let me back in.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from my time in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma.
Then it was back on the road to head home. Getting back on the freeway was less of a problem than the last time I was there. However, rush hour and some closed lanes made the first 30 miles or so very slow, almost like LA or Denver (see previous post). After I was out of the influence of Oklahoma City the speed picked up, except for the occasional construction. My exit in Dallas was sooner than I expected, but that was find with me.
I was back safely and the end of another adventure.
Salina, KS and down to Oklahoma City

The drive down to Oklahoma city (about 250 miles) went generally according to schedule. I made it down at about 2:30 PM. I stopped for gas about 30 miles outside of the city. I noticed I wasn't getting as good gas mileage as I thought I should (about 38 mpg instead of something over 40). I decided I should keep track of the octane rating on my next trip.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from my time in Salina, Kansas.
Denver, CO and the Long Drive

While I waited, I went looking for a zoning map. After asking in City Hall, I got sent over to the Webb building where zoning was. After a little confusion about protocol for talking to people at zoning one of the people at the desk gave me a small zoning map of the city, which was fine.

Here's a slideshow of the photos from my time in Denver, Colorado.
As it got to 2 PM Denver time, I checked the map and headed back out to 25N and then 70E. This was the long hall. After 7 hours and 15 minutes I made it to Salina at about 10:15 PM having traveled 488 miles. Tomorrow is another long hall, but It's broken up by a stop in Oklahoma City.
Thursday, August 6, 2009
Cheyenne, WY and the road to Denver, CO
As you may have noticed, my posts are a day late (both the previous and this). Probably I won't post again until Saturday, wrapping up my trip.
August 5: Post 2 - I finally made it to Cheyenne at about 2:30 PM. The directions to City Hall were correct and, other than some construction blocking a street, I had no problem getting to the right building. This was one of the few times someone had a map readily available. It made for a very quick transaction. The person who sold me the map also had a street map of Cheyenne, so I was saved from bumping around semi-blindly looking for various sites. Thus equipped, I moved on to the state capital.
The weather had been nice all day, until I got out of the car to take some pictures of the capital. It started raining right then. I decided to go into the capital first and hope that the rain would let up before I came out. I was really impressed by the amount of material they had both inside and outside the Capital. Among other things were a small slice from a beam from the World Trade Towers, a stuffed buffalo that was well known in the state and a bust of Lincoln. They had framed pictures of all of the Governors as well as all of the legislators since the state was founded. I did get to see both chambers although no one was in them (it is August) and unfortunately the lights were off, so my pictures were either grainy or blurry.
Outside there were also quite a few statues and markers. There was a replica of the Liberty Bell on one corner, a statue of a citizen pledging into the military (I think for the Spanish American War) and (my favorite) a statue of a cowboy on a bronco.
The rain had let up but was still going down. I went on to my next place of interest - the Historic Governor's Mansion. No trouble finding it. I was in a hurry to get inside due to the rain. I saw a video about the mansion and the restoration. It was interesting that they didn't settle on one period for the mansion but chose different eras for different parts of the mansion, up to 1970s, when the Governor moved to a new mansion. Part of the reason was practical. Through it's time from the turn of the century until the 1970s, the mansion underwent periodic renovation. In some cases (such as the kitchen) the amount of work to change a room back to it's turn of the century appearance would have been very expensive. An amusing room was the bomb shelter in the basement. Everyone seems to agree that it would not have been very effective in the event of a nuclear attack, but it did reflect the thoughts about how to deal with nuclear war at the time. By the time I had viewed all of the rooms, the rain had stopped and I could get some decent exterior shots.
Finally, I went to the Train Depot Museum near the actively running Cheyenne rail yards. It was a bit odd going through the gift shop to get to the museum. Once I figured that out, I was able to get in. The presentations described the growth of Cheyenne as the railroad came through and how the railroad changed over the year. There was a sort of side exhibit on the second floor showing the type of luggage and things people brought with them when travelling. The exhibit is in the actual baggage room and had stories about the different types of travellers that used the train. Time was running late, so I finished up the exhibits in a bit of a rush. When I came out into the giftshop there was a large number of people in the shop (probably a tour group), so I exitted immediately and planned my way out of Cheyenne.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from my time in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Once I was on the road, I only had about 100 miles to go to get to Denver. I stopped in Loveland and was able to purchase a map of Denver, so I wasn't going to get lost. I was meeting my schedule pretty well until about 5 miles from my exit. Some bails of straw had been dumped into the road, so two lanes were cut off. I was stuck in traffic, feeling I was back in LA, for about 30 minutes. However, the wait aggravated me enough, that my stay in Denver is probably tainted. I couldn't find my hotel and had to call. Even with further directions I had to turn around. Also, the hotel was not really where I wanted to be (I had mixed up east and west in the address). Anyway, I made it, now I'll get some rest.

Outside there were also quite a few statues and markers. There was a replica of the Liberty Bell on one corner, a statue of a citizen pledging into the military (I think for the Spanish American War) and (my favorite) a statue of a cowboy on a bronco.

Here's a slideshow of the photos from my time in Cheyenne, Wyoming.
Once I was on the road, I only had about 100 miles to go to get to Denver. I stopped in Loveland and was able to purchase a map of Denver, so I wasn't going to get lost. I was meeting my schedule pretty well until about 5 miles from my exit. Some bails of straw had been dumped into the road, so two lanes were cut off. I was stuck in traffic, feeling I was back in LA, for about 30 minutes. However, the wait aggravated me enough, that my stay in Denver is probably tainted. I couldn't find my hotel and had to call. Even with further directions I had to turn around. Also, the hotel was not really where I wanted to be (I had mixed up east and west in the address). Anyway, I made it, now I'll get some rest.
Casper, WY

The museum was one open room with a lot of exhibits. Once side actually deals with the chemistry of minerals and oil. However, the rest of the room is devoted to bones and archeology finds. This includes a few assembled skeletons or skeletal sections. They also had some drawers that could be opened to find some rocks to look at and feel. It took about 45 minutes to go through, which was about right for my schedule.
After the museum, I went back to City Hall. Unfortunately, the drawing still hadn't been produced, so I made arrangements for them to mail the image to me.

Here's a slideshow of the photos from my time in Casper, Wyoming.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from the previous evening that I didn't post yesterday.
After I finished with Fort Casper, I had to get out of town in order to make it to Cheyenne before all of the sites closed. That's the subject of my next post.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Billings, MT (day 2) and into Wyoming
August 4: Morning in Billings. I made two stops before leaving town.
First was a walk down the street to the Northern Pacific Railway station. The station (actually several buildings) was built sometime in the 1880s or 1890s and served Billings until the 1970s when train passenger travel to Billings stopped (all dates based on memory). The tracks are still used for freight trains, but there are no stops at the the Billings station. The place was purchased and rehabilitated some years later and now the main building is used for events such as weddings. Two of the buildings are rented as office space. I got a lot of this information talking to a woman at the place. There had been a wedding there on August 1 and some things were still stored in various rooms the clear space for the wedding. I did take some pictures inside the buildings but none really turned out. The was a situation where flash would have been useful.
After checking out from the hotel I drove down to the Moss Mansion. This was build around the turn of the century by a locally prominent family. This time I wasn't allowed to take pictures inside. Although built in the 1900s, it had electricity, hot and cold water and forced air heating (all very expensive at the time). The last of the family (the last daughter for the original tycoon) died around 1984 and the building passed into an historical group, so it was never in severe disrepair, although several rooms needed repair either due to water damage, cracking or wear. Each of the rooms had it's own look and theme. Interestingly, although there were plans for a third floor ballroom, plans were scotched due to financial issues thus leaving the third floor largely unfinished (it became maid's quarters). A lot of the original furniture was left in.
Finally, here's a picture of the Bighorn Sheep art piece that I mentioned previously. Similar in style to the horse. Not much else to say.
After finishing at the mansion I made my way back to the freeway and headed east - backtracking my original route to Billings. I had thought I would be retracing my route on 90E for 50 miles or so. It turns out I was rather off. The distance I retraced was actually 150 miles, more than the distance from the start of 25S to Casper, Wyoming (about 113 miles). I did a terrible job of managing my stops and ended up arriving at Casper about 15 minutes after 5 PM. I took some pictures of City Hall and the Hall of Justice (will show tomorrow) and found my hotel. Wyoming is another state with promotional maps of the different cities. I tried twice before entering Casper to get a map of the city and everyone was out. Luckily, I did find an information center just down the street from my hotel and it was open until 6 PM. So I got a map with 10 minutes to spare.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from my second day in Billings, Montana.
Tomorrow will be tricky. I hope to visit Cheyenne on my way to Denver, but I need to be away from Casper by around 11 AM in order to get to Cheyenne before everything closes for the evening. I guess that will determine broadly whether I visit Cheyenne or not. If it's past 5 PM before I arrive, there isn't much point in stopping. We'll see how I do.

After finishing at the mansion I made my way back to the freeway and headed east - backtracking my original route to Billings. I had thought I would be retracing my route on 90E for 50 miles or so. It turns out I was rather off. The distance I retraced was actually 150 miles, more than the distance from the start of 25S to Casper, Wyoming (about 113 miles). I did a terrible job of managing my stops and ended up arriving at Casper about 15 minutes after 5 PM. I took some pictures of City Hall and the Hall of Justice (will show tomorrow) and found my hotel. Wyoming is another state with promotional maps of the different cities. I tried twice before entering Casper to get a map of the city and everyone was out. Luckily, I did find an information center just down the street from my hotel and it was open until 6 PM. So I got a map with 10 minutes to spare.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from my second day in Billings, Montana.
Tomorrow will be tricky. I hope to visit Cheyenne on my way to Denver, but I need to be away from Casper by around 11 AM in order to get to Cheyenne before everything closes for the evening. I guess that will determine broadly whether I visit Cheyenne or not. If it's past 5 PM before I arrive, there isn't much point in stopping. We'll see how I do.
Monday, August 3, 2009
Billings, MT (day 1)
Billings, MT
August 3: Post 3 - I arrived in Billings early enough to go to the City Hall (or what I thought was the City Hall) to get a zoning map. I found the building without any problems. It was actually the library, with a city office annex in the upper floors. I must have written down the address for the Planning Department, because it was in the annex, but they had to send me to the county courthouse to get a zoning map. This was right across from City Hall a few blocks down. The photo, as you can tell, is of City Hall, which I didn't have to go into at all. I didn't get a picture of the front of the courthouse (sorry), which is where the GIS department was that could print the map.
They were going to have to run one fresh, so instead of waiting I went out to find the Skypoint art installation (or whatever you call it) and got some pictures. It looks interesting, however, I gather people are rather confused as to it's point. It does come in handy at blocking out the sun at the intersection, but is difficult to see as a whole because there are buildings and trees and skyways obstructing the view. The picture I posted is probably the clearest one I got.
After finishing with Skypoint, I went to look for an Art Gallery that was listed nearby. I found it but, as expected, it was closed. It's on the list for tomorrow. Then I headed back to the GIS department. Although the printing was supposed to only take about 20 minutes, it was still going when I got there. I think I waited another 30 minutes or so, but it finally finished. Someone said they had just installed new software. From my experience with various Microsoft products, I understand.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from my first day in Billings, Montana.
Anyway, after that it was time to find my hotel and retire for the night.
Addendum: OK, I forgot about this. Along with many other cities (Great Falls - Buffalo, LA - Angels), Billings (or maybe Montana) is doing a painted animal art project. Here is a horse. I didn't get a picture of the Bighorn Sheep off to the right. It's nice, but I'm starting to get sick of them.

After finishing with Skypoint, I went to look for an Art Gallery that was listed nearby. I found it but, as expected, it was closed. It's on the list for tomorrow. Then I headed back to the GIS department. Although the printing was supposed to only take about 20 minutes, it was still going when I got there. I think I waited another 30 minutes or so, but it finally finished. Someone said they had just installed new software. From my experience with various Microsoft products, I understand.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from my first day in Billings, Montana.
Anyway, after that it was time to find my hotel and retire for the night.

Lewistown, MT
Lewistown, MT
August 3: Post 2 - The weather was nice Monday morning. The road - not so good. I was taking state route 87, a basic two lane route. Unfortunately, for about six miles it turned into a dirt/gravel bypass while they were rebuilding the main road. I still need to take a look underneath to see if anything got badly dinged from the loose rocks that I heard hitting the car. No red lights went on, so it looks like nothing critical was hit.
Finding the town hall was a bit amusing. The directions weren't quite correct, but my map led me to the right area, only I didn't see anything marked City Hall. I parked at the Community Center and was about to go inside when I got some help from a passing shuttle bus. He directed me to the Fire Station building next door. When I looked at it more carefully it turned out the left side was a fire station and the right side was government offices. I even found a window for Planning. However, they directed me to a building that really needed a pant job, and didn't really look in use, in order to get an actual zoning map. When I walked over, I did see a sign hanging above the door that indicated it was a government office. Once there I got a map without difficulty, but Lewistown really seems to want to keep their office a secret from outsiders.
The other thing I want to see in Lewistown was the county courthouse. This is a really nice official looking building with a copper dome and everything. I took pictures all around and discovered a fountain on one side. It also seems to still be in use as a courthouse.
I stopped by an art "museum" which mostly sold arts pieces from local artists and artisans, but did have a few galleries showing local artists. After lunch I headed on to Billings. Much less drama on this leg of the route.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from my weekend in Great Falls, Montana.
August 3: Post 2 - The weather was nice Monday morning. The road - not so good. I was taking state route 87, a basic two lane route. Unfortunately, for about six miles it turned into a dirt/gravel bypass while they were rebuilding the main road. I still need to take a look underneath to see if anything got badly dinged from the loose rocks that I heard hitting the car. No red lights went on, so it looks like nothing critical was hit.

I stopped by an art "museum" which mostly sold arts pieces from local artists and artisans, but did have a few galleries showing local artists. After lunch I headed on to Billings. Much less drama on this leg of the route.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from my weekend in Great Falls, Montana.
Great Falls, MT
August 3: Post 1 - Over the weekend I stayed in Great Falls. I didn't make it to city hall (I already have a zoning map), but did get to a few other places.
First is an arch out in front of the library. It's an arch in semi-rough cut stone. It also has some waterworks as you can see. I've been to Great Falls and the library (it is a wifi hotspot) many times, but only in the winter. I didn't remember the arch before, but thought it was because the water was shut off and the area was buried in snow before. It turns out this is a recent addition and was just activated within the last month. I never would have made it as a detective.
On Sunday I went to the Veteran's Memorial overlooking the Missouri River. It is relatively new (2006) and lists service members from all branches and throughout Montana. No dates or specific wars were noted, so I don't know how far back the listings go. The photo only shows the inner ring of panels. There is an outer partial ring that holds at least as many names. There was a small booth with a computer to help people find a particular name. Due to summer heat, there was a fan in the booth to cool the electronics. I guess you can't think of everything.
After that it was down closer to the Missouri and the world's shortest river (allegedly). According to helpful signs, water comes from an underground stream many miles way that goes through a limestone bed and then gets forced up to the surface. The photo shows almost all of the river. In the middle left part of the picture is a pool through which most of the water comes out (I think it might be man made). The water overflows the pool, flows down the broken rocks and (off camera) flows into the Missouri. Total length - maybe 30 feet.
Finally, a picture of my favorite building in Great Falls - The Paris Gibson. It currently an place for art exhibition, but was originally built as a boys school. I've been trying to make a decent model in Sketchup for GoogleEarth, but I'm rather bad at Photoshop.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from my weekend in Great Falls, Montana.
Sunday was an end to lazing around and it was back on the road on Monday.

Here's a slideshow of the photos from my weekend in Great Falls, Montana.
Sunday was an end to lazing around and it was back on the road on Monday.
Great Falls,
Paris Gibson,
Veteran Memorial
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Butte, Montana
July 31 -- Today was all about Butte, Montana. Although I started out in Billings, I didn't do any sightseeing there (I'll be back through on Monday) but immediately got on the road toward Butte. Unfortunately, the rain started just as I was packing up to leave. Although the rain wasn't as bad as I'd seen earlier, there was the challenge of going around more turns since I was going through mountains this time. It looked like the rain curse was back and I'd be spending another soggy day visiting the sites of another city. However, the weather broke before I arrived at Butte, so although it was a little muggy, it was otherwise a bright shiny day in Butte when I arrived.
I was a little confused by the City Hall. It's also the city and/or county courthouse, so I originally thought I was in the wrong place. After going in and out a few times, I finally looked at the directory and found the place I wanted. Without too much trouble I obtained a zoning map of the city. While I was waiting for a printout I saw some other maps that were interesting. One showed the major property holders in and around the city. I couldn't get close enough to read who they were. Another map showed the population changes in the various Montana counties from 1990 to 2000. In general the eastern part of the state gained population and the western part of the state lost population. Silver Bow County, where Butte resides, had the distinction of being the only county with an unchanged population. What really surprised me was that some counties had an increase or decrease of as much as 25% in just one decade. The data is now almost a decade old. I'm sure they will have a new map after the 2010 census is done.
I tried to see some of the "Copper King" mansions, but one required reservations and another wasn't open. So I went to find something to eat before moving on. I found a little place that used to be the city jail. The woman told me a little about the place and the city. Among other things, the city police had been corrupt during the 1980's until the FBI came in and cleaned it up. I think that was around the time the Berkeley Pit was being shut down, so it sounded like something that happened during hard times.
After that I drove to the Berkeley Pit and hung out there for a little bit. There wasn't that much to see. It's a hole in the ground with water in it. Kind of like Crater Lake without the island in the middle. In truth you could see the water cleaning plant across from the viewing stand. There was some dirty liquid flowing down the side of the pit from there, but I wasn't sure what that was about. The owners of the viewing stand were trying to spruce the place up. In addition to the gift shop they had some picnic tables and an old style trolley to amuse the kids. There was also the start of a scenic garden on the hill by the gift shop.
In addition to the pit, there were a lot of black metal structures which were related to the mines. I'm unclear if that was how people and ore were transported up and down or if it had something to do with processing. Anyway, these structures were all over the east side of town. The one shown is behind the police station. The City Hall had a model of the minehead and how it was used. Unfortunately it was broken so I couldn't see it in action. Each structure had a name, I think the same as the mine it serviced.
Since I still had time, I headed down to Montana Tech and the Mineral Museum. The museum was made up of one large room and a few side rooms and balconies all in one of the buildings on campus (I think the Biology department was on the next floor down). Various gems and minerals were in cases around the place with larger pieces either in individual cases or just on a pedestal. I noticed that some of the items were actually in a safe (gold, silver, platinum). The neatest display was of phosphorescence in one of the side rooms. If you pressed a button the regular light would go out and a black light would turn on so you could see how some of the rocks glowed. After a few minutes the black light would turn off and two of the rocks would blow in the dark. Unfortunately, my camera can't take pictures of this. The picture shown is of one of the large pieces on a pedestal. It was part of a large crystal nodule that was cut apart.
Finally, I stopped by one of the Copper King mansions again. This time it was opened. The guide was showing a tour. I walked around and took some pictures until he was done and paid for a tour. I was very impressed with the amount of stuff packed into the building which didn't look all that big from the outside. The fourth floor was a ballroom in addition to the bedrooms and all of the sitting rooms. The guide even let me play one of the pianos for a little bit.
After that, running a bit late, I headed to Great Falls. I didn't have any problem getting there. Since I knew the layout of the city, once I was on the surface streets, I didn't have any problem getting to my destination. The only confusing part was that I had only been to the city in winter, so none of the streets looked familiar because of all of the green foliage around.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from my time at Devils Tower.
I'm taking a break for a few days, but will be back on the road on Monday.

I tried to see some of the "Copper King" mansions, but one required reservations and another wasn't open. So I went to find something to eat before moving on. I found a little place that used to be the city jail. The woman told me a little about the place and the city. Among other things, the city police had been corrupt during the 1980's until the FBI came in and cleaned it up. I think that was around the time the Berkeley Pit was being shut down, so it sounded like something that happened during hard times.

After that, running a bit late, I headed to Great Falls. I didn't have any problem getting there. Since I knew the layout of the city, once I was on the surface streets, I didn't have any problem getting to my destination. The only confusing part was that I had only been to the city in winter, so none of the streets looked familiar because of all of the green foliage around.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from my time at Devils Tower.
I'm taking a break for a few days, but will be back on the road on Monday.
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