Lewistown, MT
August 3: Post 2 - The weather was nice Monday morning. The road - not so good. I was taking state route 87, a basic two lane route. Unfortunately, for about six miles it turned into a dirt/gravel bypass while they were rebuilding the main road. I still need to take a look underneath to see if anything got badly dinged from the loose rocks that I heard hitting the car. No red lights went on, so it looks like nothing critical was hit.

Finding the town hall was a bit amusing. The directions weren't quite correct, but my map led me to the right area, only I didn't see anything marked City Hall. I parked at the Community Center and was about to go inside when I got some help from a passing shuttle bus. He directed me to the Fire Station building next door. When I looked at it more carefully it turned out the left side was a fire station and the right side was government offices. I even found a window for Planning. However, they directed me to a building that really needed a pant job, and didn't really look in use, in order to get an actual zoning map. When I walked over, I did see a sign hanging above the door that indicated it was a government office. Once there I got a map without difficulty, but Lewistown really seems to want to keep their office a secret from outsiders.

The other thing I want to see in Lewistown was the county courthouse. This is a really nice official looking building with a copper dome and everything. I took pictures all around and discovered a fountain on one side. It also seems to still be in use as a courthouse.
I stopped by an art "museum" which mostly sold arts pieces from local artists and artisans, but did have a few galleries showing local artists. After lunch I headed on to Billings. Much less drama on this leg of the route.
Here's a slideshow of the photos from my weekend in Great Falls, Montana.
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