Sunday, June 11, 2017

Williamson County, Texas, June 2017 - Final Note

Final Note

After visiting some actual cities and towns in the southeast of Williamson County, I went looking for what I thought would be villages.  These had names on my county map like Beyersville, Structure and Noack.  However, each of these locations had between zero and two buildings other than homes.  Even some of the buildings were obviously abandoned.  One of these locations (Structure) even had a sign.  I'm curious to know whether these are historic towns, now back to farm land or vanity towns that one person or a group decided to register just for fun.  I was mostly driving on county roads between farms.  Once I stopped at an historic marker and two cars pulled up to see if I needed help -- within 5 minutes of each other.  I guess they don't get much tourist traffic in the area.

Also, this series started with a post about Georgetown, Texas, if you want to get an explanation of what this current set of posts is about.

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